His has an elder sister and an elder brother. His sister is shani and his brother name is tal fishman. Back home is an ode to his family in mumbai. Currently a music student in new york, he expresses that no matter how much he loves the grind of doing his own thing in. His gf is none other than emily michelle alexander, to answer the question are adi and emily still together?
Back home is an ode to his family in mumbai. Currently a music student in new york, he expresses that no matter how much he loves the grind of doing his own thing in. His gf is none other than emily michelle alexander, to answer the question are adi and emily still together? Adi and emilys relationship stands out of the rest. He is dating social star emily alexander; In june 2020, they launched a family channel together called the diem family and was later renamed adi&em. He has collaborated with. Adi is currently dating emily alexander. Adi usually does a prank on his girlfriend and post a video on his official channel. They are deep in love and not seek to break up anytime soon.