Barry Cooper Never Get Busted

Barry Cooper Never Get Busted

As the top narco cop in texas, barry cooper arrested hundreds of people on drug charges. Then he puffed a joint and decided to devote his life to a new cause: Making sure no one gets.

He served in law enforcement as a police officer in texas, but some might say he then switched sides. Former texas narcotics officer barry cooper in a scene from his dvd, never get busted again. Cooper discloses methods used by police to find illegal drugs and offers. As the top narco cop in texas, barry cooper arrested hundreds of people on drug charges. Then he puffed a joint and decided to devote his life to a new cause:

Cooper discloses methods used by police to find illegal drugs and offers. As the top narco cop in texas, barry cooper arrested hundreds of people on drug charges. Then he puffed a joint and decided to devote his life to a new cause: Making sure no one gets.

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