There are more than 375,000. The content of this atlas is intended to help connect hunters, trappers and anglers to public access opportunities available in nebraska. The maps included in this publication are for. Unlike some surrounding states, nebraska's belf lands are not open to public access unless otherwise posted. Similar to other private lands across the state, landowner permission is.
The maps included in this publication are for. Unlike some surrounding states, nebraska's belf lands are not open to public access unless otherwise posted. Similar to other private lands across the state, landowner permission is. Wildlife management areas, state recreational areas, state parks, waterfowl production areas, u. s. Forest service land and national park land are open to hunting during certain times of the. There are more than a million acres of publicly accessible lands throughout nebraska. At a recent belf rent auction, they clarified that the leasee has full control of the land including hunting rights. All the parcels at that sale were for seven year leases.